by many a Dollikin Collector, the harder to find 15" Dollikin is made of all HARD vinyl -- similar in substance to the
Miss Revlon Dolls of this era.
15" size was also made by the Uneeda Doll Company, and has the Uneeda 2S maker's mark on the back of her neck base.
Like her larger Counter-part (19"), she has the 16 points of articulation.
actually knows when this doll was produced, or how many. Several accounts state she was only produced for one year
-- 1957.
If you are fortunate enough to
find one of these smaller dolls, they are normally missing a limb or two. As well, the metal joints and pins used in
construction often leave deep green stains around the joints. Fear not.....there are several talented people out there
who can help restore your dolly to her near-new condition.
She has been affectionately dubbed, "THE SQUIRT" by fellow collectors. I often call her the "brat" too because she is
just so darn spoiled and cute, cute, cute! Any "Squirt" Owner will undoubtedly agree, she is adorable and very much
sought after.